In peer-reviewed journals
- Decker C. & Chiambaretto P. (2022), "Economic policy choices and trade-offs for Unmanned aircraft systems Traffic Management (UTM): Insights from Europe and the United States", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 157, p. 40–58 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Mayenc E., Chappert H., Engsig J., Fernandez A.-S., & Le Roy F. (2021). "Where does flygskam come from? The role of citizens’ lack of knowledge of the environmental impact of air transport in explaining the development of flight shame", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 93, p. 102049. (pdf and official link)
- Fernandez A.-S., Chiambaretto P., Chauvet M., & Engsig, J (2021). "Why do MNEs both make and coopete for innovation?", Technovation, vol. 106, p. 102313. (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P. (2021), "Air passengers’ willingness to pay for ancillary services on long-haul flights", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 147, p.102234. (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Maurice J., Willinger M (2020), "Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Innovative Coopetition Projects", M@n@gement, vol. 23, n°2, pp. 20-41 (official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Bengtsson M., Fernandez A-S., Näsholm M. (2020), "Small and large firms’ trade-off between benefits and risks when choosing a coopetitor for innovation", Long Range Planning, vol. 53, n°1, pp. (pdf and official link)
- Le Roy F., Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P. (2019), "从战略竞合到管理竞合", 上海管理科学 / Shanghai Management Science, vol. 41, pp. 86-92 (pdf)
- Chiambaretto P., Massé D., Mirc N. (2019), "'All for One and One for All?' - Knowledge broker roles in managing tensions of internal coopetition: The Ubisoft case", Research Policy, vol. 48, n°3, pp. 584-600 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Wassmer U. (2019), "Resource utilization as an internal driver of alliance portfolio evolution: The Qatar Airways case (1993-2010) ", Long Range Planning, vol. 52, n°1, pp. 51-61 (pdf and official link)
- Engsig J., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F. (2018), "Gravity for Domestic and International Alliances: A CAGE perspective", Management International, vol. 22, pp. 56-69 (pdf and official link)
- Robert M., Chiambaretto P., Mira B., Le Roy F. (2018), "Better, Faster, Stronger: The impact of market-oriented coopetition on product commercial performance", M@n@gement, vol. 21, n°1, pp. 574-610 (pdf)
- Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F., Chiambaretto P. (2018), "Implementing the right project structure to achieve coopetitive innovation projects", Long Range Planning, vol. 51, n°2, pp. 384-405 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Gurau C. (2017), "David by Goliath: What is Co-branding and What’s in it for SMEs", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 31, n°1, pp. 103-122 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Gurau C., Le Roy F. (2016), "Coopetitive branding: Definition, typology, benefits and risks", Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 57, pp. 86-96 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Fernandez A-S. (2016), "The evolution of coopetitive and collaborative alliances in an alliance portfolio: The Air France case", Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 57, pp. 75-85 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Dumez H. (2016), "Toward a typology of coopetition: a multilevel approach", International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 46, n°3, pp. 110-129 (pdf and official link)
- Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P. (2016), "Managing tensions related to information in coopetition", Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 53, pp. 66-76 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P. (2015), "Resource dependence and power-balancing operations in alliances: The role of market redefinition strategies", M@n@gement, vol. 18, n°3, pp. 205-233 (pdf)
- Lehiany B. & Chiambaretto P. (2014) “ASMA: Un dispositive d’analyse séquentielle et multidimensionnelle des alliances”, Management International, vol. 18, pp. 85-105 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Fernandez A-S. (2014), "Transferring low-cost marketing practices from air to rail services: The Ouigo case", Research in Transportation Business & Management, vol. 10, pp. 40-44 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Rigaud E. (2013), “Coopétition, hétérogénéité des clients et stratégies de ciblage”, Journal of Social Management, vol. 2, pp. 98-113 (pdf)
- Chiambaretto P., De Palma A., Proost S. (2013), “A normative analysis of transport policies in a footloose capital model with interregional and intraregional transportation costs”, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 51, n°3, pp. 811-831 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Baudelaire C., Lavril T. (2013), "Measuring the willingness to pay of air-rail intermodal passengers", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 26, pp. 50-54 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P. (2013), "Strategic reactions of regional airports facing the competition of the high-speed train – Lessons from France", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 7, n°1, pp. 62-70 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Dumez H. (2012), "Le rôle du bundling dans la stratégie marketing des entreprises : une synthèse", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, vol. 27, n°2, p. 91-106 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Dumez H. (2012), "The role of bundling in firms' marketing strategies: a synthesis", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, vol. 27, n°2, p. 91-106 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P., Decker C. (2012), "Air-rail intermodal agreements: balancing the competition and environmental effects", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 23, pp. 36-40 (pdf and official link)
- Chiambaretto P. (2012), "Book review: Airline marketing and management", Transport Reviews, vol. 32, n°2, pp. 261-262 (pdf and official link)
In non peer-reviewed journals
- Chiambaretto P. (2014), “L’avantage réseau ou comment créer de la valeur à partir des partenariats. À propos de Network advantage de Henrich Greve, Tim Rowley & Andrew Shipilov”, Le Libellio d’AEGIS, vol. 10, n°3, pp. 61-69 (pdf)
- Chiambaretto P. (2011), "Penser à l'aide des réseaux", Le Libellio d'AEGIS, vol. 7, n°4, pp. 39-46 (pdf)
- Chiambaretto P. (2011), "La coopétition, ou la métamorphose d’un néologisme managérial en concept", Le Libellio d’AEGIS, vol. 7, n°1, pp. 94-104 (pdf)
- Engsig, J., Nielsen, B. B., Chiambaretto, P., & Ramaroson, A. (2021). Creating a Typology of International Alliances with City-level Distance Measures. In A. Verbeke, R. van Tulder, E. L. Rose, & Y. Wei (Eds.), The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research. Emerald Publishing Limited. (pdf)
- Chiambaretto, P., Fernandez, A., & Le Roy, F. (2019). La coopétition ou l’art de coopérer avec son concurrent. In S. Liarte (Ed.), Les Grands Courants en Management Stratégique (EMS Editions). (pdf)
- Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (2018), “Coopetition: from neologism to a new paradigm”, in Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Abingdon, Routledge (pdf)
- Fernandez A-S, Chiambaretto P. (2018), “Managing tensions related to information in coopetition”, in Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Routledge, Abingdon (pdf)
- Le Roy F., Fernandez A-S, Chiambaretto P. (2018), “From Strategizing Coopetition to Managing Coopetition”, in Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Routledge, Abingdon (pdf)
- Chiambaretto P. & Fernandez A-S. (2018), “Coopetitive portfolios: a review and research agenda”, in Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Routledge, Abingdon (pdf)
- Gurau C., Chiambaretto P. & Le Roy F. (2018), “The emergence of coopetitive marketing”, in Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (eds), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Routledge, Abingdon (pdf)
- Le Roy F., Fernandez A-S & Chiambaretto P. (2017). "Managing Coopetition in Knowledge-based Industries". In Sindakis S. & Theodorou P. (Eds), Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms, 187-198. London, Emerald Publishing Limited (pdf)
- Le Roy F., Chiambaretto P. (2016). "De la stratégie de coopétition au marketing coopétitif". In Des Garets V. & Fournier C. (Eds), Génération Marketing et Sciences de Gestion, 105-115. Paris, Economica. (pdf)
- André C., Chiambaretto P. & Rigaud E. (2013). "Les stratégies de prise de risque juridique en matière de marques : Le cas du parfum ‘Champagne’ d’Yves Saint-Laurent". In Strubel X. & Deharo G. (ed.), Penser les relations du droit et des sciences de gestion. Quelle formation juridique pour les managers du XXIe siècle ?. Paris, Dalloz.
- Lehiany B., Chiambaretto P. (2013), “Libéralisation, stratégies d’alliance et instrumentalisation de la normalisation dans le secteur ferroviaire européen", in Masson A., Bouthinon-Dumas H. (ed), Stratégies juridiques d'instrumentalisation et concurrence, éd. Larcier, Bruxelles
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Fernandez A-S., Alessandra P., Chappert H., Grall M., Bennouri M., Seran T., Khedhaouria A., Papaix C. (2021). "Voyages d'affaires et visioconférence : quel avenir pour le transport aérien ?", Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°3 (link)
- Chiambaretto P., Bildstein C., Mayenc E., Bennouri M., Grall M., Chappert H., Fernandez A-S. (2020). Transport aérien : l'impact du COVID-19 sur le comportement des Français, Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°2 (link)
- Chiambaretto P., Mayenc E., Chappert H., Engsig J., Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F. & Joly C. (2020). Les Français et l'impact environnemental du transport aérien: entre mythes et réalités, Les Carnets de la Chaire Pégase, n°1 (link)
- Fernandez A-S, Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F. & Czakon W. (2018), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies, Abindgon, Routledge (link)
- Gabriel-Oyhamburu K. et. (2011), Comment réussir son oral d'HEC - 100 sujets corrigés, Paris, Nathan (link)