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My video about alliance portfolios on Xerfi Canal

To develop new technologies or to access new markets, companies rely more and more on alliances. These alliances generally provide access to resources or technologies, that firms do not own internally.

As firms multiply their projects, they build up several partnerships and find themselves at the head of a considerable number of alliances. Some companies like Samsung simultaneously manage several hundreds of partners. To describe this phenomenon we use the term of "portfolio of alliances" that can be defined as the set of alliances of a focal firm.

In this short video entitled "Les portefeuilles d'alliances, une stratégie d'orchestration", I explain the concept of alliance portfolios and try to highlight the key challenges related to the optimal configuration of an alliance portfolio.

This video has been produced thanks to the partnership between FNEGE and Xerfi Canal - Precepta Stratégiques.

For more details : click here

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